L5 • Equipment of Thermal power plant Notes in english • power plant engineering • PPE • 4TH SEMESTER

L5 • Equipment of Thermal power plant • power plant engineering • PPE • 4TH SEMESTER

Equipment of Steam Power Plant/Thermal Power Plant

  1. Boiler
    • Water tube boilers
    • Fire tube boilers
  2. Boiler Furnace
    • Plain refractory walls
    • Hollow refrectory walls
    • Water walls
  3. Superheater
    • Radiant Superheater
    • Convection Superheater
  4. Economiser
  5. Air Pre-heater
    • Recuperative type
    • Regenerative type
  6. Condenser
    • Jet condenser
    • Surface condenser
  7. Prime movers
    • Impulse turbines
    • Reactions turbines
  8. water treatment Plant


  1. Boiler
    A boiler is an important component that heats water and converts it into steam. It has two main types:
  • Water Tube Boiler – In this type, water flows inside the tubes, and fire surrounds them from the outside. These are best for high pressure and efficiency.
  • Fire Tube Boiler – In this type, fire passes through the tubes, heating the surrounding water. These are used for smaller capacity applications.


  1. Boiler Furnace
    A furnace is a combustion chamber where fuel (coal, oil, or gas) burns and generates heat. It has the following types:

  • Plain Refractory Walls – Simple walls made of bricks or refractory material that absorb and radiate heat.
  • Hollow Refractory Walls – These walls are hollow from the inside, providing better insulation.
  • Water Walls – Water-cooled walls that absorb heat and increase the efficiency of the boiler.


    1. Superheater
      The function of a superheater is to increase the temperature of steam to improve its efficiency and power output. It has two main types:

    • Radiant Superheater – It absorbs heat directly from the furnace radiation.
    • Convection Superheater – It absorbs heat by coming into contact with hot gases.


      4. Economiser
      An economiser is a heat exchanger that uses the heat from exhaust gases to preheat the feed water. This increases boiler efficiency and reduces fuel consumption.


      5. Air Pre-heater
      An air pre-heater preheats the combustion air to improve fuel burning efficiency. It has two main types:

      • Recuperative Type – It consists of steel pipes through which flue gases flow. Fresh air surrounds these pipes and absorbs heat from the flue gases.
      • Regenerative Type – It has a drum divided into two sections: one side allows flue gases to flow, while the other side allows fresh air to pass. This facilitates heat exchange between them.


      6. Condenser
      The function of a condenser is to condense the exhaust steam and convert it back into liquid so it can be reused. It has two types:

      • Jet Condenser – In this type, steam and cooling water come into direct contact.
      • Surface Condenser – In this type, steam and cooling water remain separate, providing better efficiency.


      7. Prime Movers
      Prime movers are devices that convert steam energy into mechanical energy. There are two main types:

      • Impulse Turbines – In this type, steam exits through high-velocity nozzles and impacts the turbine blades.
      • Reaction Turbines – In this type, steam expands within the blades, generating a continuous force.


      8. Water Treatment Plant
      Water purity is essential for a thermal power plant. A water treatment plant removes harmful impurities, reducing scaling, corrosion, and efficiency loss.


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